About me
I'm a Web Dev, ML & Robotics Engineer. I enjoy developing backend and ML applications that actually impact someone's life, work, views, etc. I'm also a big fan of robotics and I'm currently working on a few projects in that field.
Apart from building computer-vision related projects in university (Monocular Depth Estimation using Diffusion Models, Deblatting via Unrolling), I enjoy working on apps that help people in their daily lives - like the project on predicting a diabetic's blood glucose level based on their smart watch data (Bosch IoT Lab).
Working in young teams with fast-approaching deadlines and pressure is something I enjoy and thrive in - as can be seen from my work at DroGone and AMZ Racing.
What i'm doing
Web backend development
High-quality development of sites at the professional level.
Mobile apps
Professional development of applications for iOS and Android.
Machine Learning / Computer Vision Solutions
Since all my theses were in this field, I am very familiar with the newest tech, frameworks and architectures - see my master's thesis on Diffusion Models.