About me

I'm a Web Dev, ML & Robotics Engineer. I enjoy developing backend and ML applications that actually impact someone's life, work, views, etc. I'm also a big fan of robotics and I'm currently working on a few projects in that field.

Apart from building computer-vision related projects in university (Monocular Depth Estimation using Diffusion Models, Deblatting via Unrolling), I enjoy working on apps that help people in their daily lives - like the project on predicting a diabetic's blood glucose level based on their smart watch data (Bosch IoT Lab).

Working in young teams with fast-approaching deadlines and pressure is something I enjoy and thrive in - as can be seen from my work at DroGone and AMZ Racing.

What i'm doing

  • Web development icon

    Web backend development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Mobile apps

    Professional development of applications for iOS and Android.

  • design icon

    Machine Learning / Computer Vision Solutions

    Since all my theses were in this field, I am very familiar with the newest tech, frameworks and architectures - see my master's thesis on Diffusion Models.


  • Nasib Naimi

    Nasib Naimi

    Julius developed the ML detection algorithm for our autonomous drone project - speeding up the process by 10x. He is a very talented and hard-working individual, who is always willing to help and learn new things. I would definitely recommend him for any ML related projects. Furthermore, he built up the MLOps pipeline for our project, which was a great help for the team.



  1. ETH Zurich

    2021 — 2023

    Master in Mech Eng / Robotics with a focus on Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

  2. Purdue University


    Graduate Exchange Semester with a focus on Machine Learning and Control Systems.

  3. ETH Zurich

    2017 — 2021

    Bachelor in Mech Eng with a focus on Robotics and Machine Learning.


  1. Software Engineer - DroGone

    2021 — 2023

    Responsible for the development of all ML algorithms, I built a detection model including training and testing pipeline. We integrated the autonomous drone system with UNM and Sandia Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  2. Software, Simulations and Suspension Engineer


    Building a race car each year means you'll do everything... But ranged from buidling the simulation pipeline for the dynamics calculations over vehicle dynamics control systems to being testing lead.
    And Finally you break a World Record - 0 to 100 kph in under one second.

  3. Teaching Assistant


    Teaching fellow students the ins and outs of Computer-aided Design and Mechanics 2 in multiple years.

My developer skills

  • Web development & JS
  • Machine Learning & Python
  • Git, CI/CD & other Tools
  • Drive
  • Data Analysis & Slurm etc.



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